
Proto-porfotlio(May 16-22)

1.0. Essays

1.1. Self-introduction essay

* Self-introduction
* words
* 2007.05.16

1.2. Second essay

* Campus life
* 216 words
* 2007.06.17

1.3. Third essay

* Hometown
* nnn words
* 2007.mm.dd
1.4. Fourth essay
* Kumamoto
*201 words

1.5. Best essay: Which of those [] essays do you believe is better & why?


2.1. Your first comment on instructor's blog:

* link
* nn words
* 2007.mm.dd
* Do you believe that is a good comment? Why or why not?

2.2. Your best comment on a classmates blog

* link
* nn words
* 2007.mm.dd
* Why do you believe that is a good comment?

2.3. The best comment by a classmate on your blog by a classmate

* link
* words
* 2007.mm.dd
* Why do you believe that is a good comment?

3.0. Typing speed trials

3.1. Worst speed

* 18 words
* 2007.05.0

3.2. Best speed

* 54 words
* 2007.05.23

3.3. Average speed

* average
* number of trials

Other comments or reflections:

1 件のコメント:

Paul Beaufait さんのコメント...

Hi Miku,

It looks like you've got LOTS to do!

The self-introduction essay on your blog is supposed to be at least 150 words in length. It was due in April. You'll need to add quite a bit of info. to your recent post (★☆Self introduction☆★, May 16) before you can call it an essay, and label it as one of the "essays" on your blog.

Your second essay (Campus Life) was due a week ago. It should be at least 200 words in length, developed into several paragraphs. Yet, I couldn't find it anywhere in your blog archive.

Your second essay, too, needs the label "essays," and all of your labels should appear in the sidebar of your blog, along with the archive. Please ask in class if you need help adding labels to your posts or displaying labels on your blog.

You had better get your first two essays fleshed out on your blog immediately - before the next class meeting. They both need to be listed with links and word counts on your proto-portfolio by Wed., May 23 - along with five or six book reviews (Book review 1-01: Sally's...; Book review 1-02: Survive; Book review 1-03:...). However, I've only spotted two book reviews in your archive!

A third essay is coming up soon, Your third essay will need to be 250 or more words in length. That will be due in just over one week's time.

Before that, there are comments you on classmates essays, which you should list in your proto-portfolio post, along with book reviews and essays one & two....

Good luck!